R. Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Konsultasi


Procurement of Goods and Consulting Services-1

                                The text of Loan Agreement


1. The procurement of Goods and Consulting Services shall be subject to and governed by the Procurement Guidelines, and the Consulting Guidelines, respectively.
2. All terms used in this Schedule and not otherwise defined in this Loan Agreement have the meanings provided in the Procurement Guidelines and/or the Consulting Guidelines, as applicable. Goods
3. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, Goods shall only be procured on the basis of the methods of procurement set forth below: (a) National Competitive Bidding; and (b) Shopping.
4. The methods of procurement are subject to, among other things, the detailed arrangements and threshold values set forth in the Procurement Plan. The Borrower may only modify the methods of procurement or threshold values with the prior agreement of ADB, and modifications must be set out in updates to the Procurement Plan.

National Competitive Bidding

5. The Borrower and ADB shall ensure that, prior to the commencement of any procurement activity under national competitive bidding, the Borrower
s national competitive bidding procedures are consistent with the Procurement Guidelines. Any modifications or clarifications to such procedures agreed between the Borrower and ADB shall be set out in the Procurement Plan. Any subsequent change to the agreed modifications and clarifications shall become effective only after approval of such change by the Borrower and ADB.

Consulting Services

6. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, and except as set forth in the paragraph below, the Borrower shall apply quality- and cost-based selection for selecting and engaging Consulting Services.
7. The Borrower shall apply the following methods for selecting and engaging the specified Consulting Services, in accordance with, among other things, the procedures set forth in the Procurement Plan: modified Single Source Selection under service delivery assignment contracts for universities providing degree courses and specialized training under the Project.
8. The Borrower shall recruit the individual consultants for advisory work on procurement and financial management system, in accordance with procedures acceptable to ADB for recruiting individual consultants. 


Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Konsultasi

Pada jadwal ini menyetujui pengadaan barang dan konsultan. Pengadaan barang dan jasa konsultan diatur oleh Pedoman Pengadaan Barang (Procurement Guidelines) dan Pedoman Pengadaan Konsultan (Consulting Guidelines) masing-masing. Semua istilah yang digunakan dalam jadwal ini mengandung arti yang diuraikan dalam Pedoman Pengadaan Barang (Procurement Guidelines) dan Pedoman Pengadaan Konsultan (Consulting Guidelines) yang berlaku, kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Perjanjian Pinjaman,
Barang hanya dapat diperoleh berdasarkan metode pengadaan dengan tender nasional dan belanja (National Competitive Bidding and Shopping).

National Competitive Bidding

Metode pengadaan ditetapkan dalam Rencana Pengadaan. Peminjam hanya dapat memodifikasi metode nilai pengadaan atau ambang batas dengan persetujuan terlebih dahulu dari ADB, dan modifikasi harus diatur dalam pembaruan Rencana Pengadaan.
Sebelum dimulainya kegiatan pengadaan di bawah penawaran kompetitif nasional, harus dipastikan bahwa prosedur penawaran nasional yang dipergunakan Peminjam harus konsisten dengan Pedoman Pengadaan ADB. Setiap modifikasi atau klarifikasi terhadap prosedur dimaksud harus dituangkan dalam Rencana Pengadaan. Setiap perubahan selanjutnya akan berlaku efektif setelah mendapat persetujuan dari Peminjam dan ADB.
Jasa Konsultasi 
Peminjam harus menerapkan seleksi kualitas-dan berbasis biaya untuk memilih dan mengikat jasa konsultasi, dengan menerapkan metode dan prosedur teknis yang ditetapkan dalam rencana pengadaan.

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