D. Peraturan Pinjaman, Definisi (2)

Loan Regulations; Definitions 2


(c) Section 3.07 is deleted and the following is substituted therefor:
(a) Following any announcement by ADB that the Fixed Spread applicable to new Loans shall be increased, any Borrower with an outstanding Loan on which a lower Fixed Spread is applicable, shall pay ADB a Surcharge. The amount of the Surcharge shall be determined by multiplying (i) the difference between the Fixed Spread that will be applied to new Loans and the Fixed Spread applicable to the outstanding Loan (expressed as a percentage per annum), by (ii) the principal amount of the outstanding Loan on which the Borrower shall pay interest for all interest periods commencing on and after the effective date of the higher Fixed Spread that will be applied to new Loans.
(b) Following any announcement by ADB that its Funding Cost Margin calculations with respect to any Loan Currency (or Approved Currency) in any Semester resulted in ADB incurring additional costs, the Borrower shall pay ADB a Surcharge. The amount of the Surcharge shall be determined by multiplying (i) the Funding Cost Margin (expressed as a percentage per annum) by (ii) the principal amount of the Loan on which the Borrower shall pay interest for the Interest Period commencing immediately after the Semester for which the Funding Cost Margin was calculated. ADB shall add the amount of the Surcharge to the interest payable by the Borrower for the Interest Period commencing immediately after the Semester for which the Funding Cost Margin was calculated.
Pasal 3.07 dihapus dan digantikan sebagai berikut:

Surcharge - Tambahan Biaya.

Sehubungan dengan adanya pemberitahuan dari ADB bahwa fixed spread yang akan diterapkan kepada pinjaman baru akan ditingkatkan, maka kepada setiap peminjam dengan fixed rated yang rendah, akan dikenakan surcharge atau biaya tambahan oleh ADB. Biaya tambahan tersebut dihitung sebesar [% fixed spread yang akan diterapkan (dikurangi) % fixed spread yang saat ini berlaku] (dikalikan) sisa hutang, dihitung mulai tanggal effektif fixed spread yang baru tersebut.

Demikian pula dengan perhitungan margin biaya pinjaman sehubungan dengan mata uang pinjaman (atau mata uang yang disetujui) pada setiap smester yang mengakibatkan timbulnya biaya tambahan bagi ADB, Peminjam harus membayar kepada ADB surcharge atau biaya tambahan, dengan mengalikan (% margin biaya pinjaman x jumlah pokok pinjaman) terhitung mulai setelah semester dimana margin biaya pinjaman dihitung.

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